
How much does it cost to patch a hole in the roof? Lansing Kansas homeowner gets roof fixed

Sep 08, 2022
Depending on the type of repair, roof repair costs can run anywhere from $150 to $400 for minor repairs, and up to $7,000 for major repairs. The current national average of roof repairs in America is $950. See how this Lansing Kansas homeowner in the Kansas City area got it done.

How Much Does Roof Repair Cost?


Lansing Kansas Roof Repair

- A Comprehensive Guide


This Kansas City Area Homeowners Roof Repair Story


If you live in the Kansas City area, you know that severe weather can wreak havoc on your home's roof.

If your roof has been damaged by a storm or is simply showing its age, you may be wondering if you need to repair or replace it.

This Kansas City Area Homeowners Roof Repair Story fixed by Herntro Roofing and Siding, will help you decide what's best for your home.

Whether you're a do-it-yourselfer or prefer to leave roofing repairs to the professionals like Herntro Roofing, this comprehensive guide will show you what's involved in repairing or replacing a roof.

Kansas City area price of repair by material.

Roof repair costs depend a great deal on the type of roofing material you have. It the material is uncommon, the more expensive and difficult the repair. Some types of roofs are also more susceptible to certain types of damage.

As the most popular roofing material, the quality and longevity of asphalt shingles depends upon the manufacturer, type, style and climate. In general, however, three-tab asphalt shingles cost around $90 per square.

Current national average cost for repairs: $710

Common repairs: Replacing missing or damaged shingles, fixing curled corners and repairing cracked shingles with roof sealant.

So whether your roof is in need of a little TLC or a complete overhaul, this guide will help you get started on making the necessary repairs


What Causes Roofs to Need Repair?


Many factors can contribute to a roof needing repair, including age, severe weather, and tree limbs.

Recognizing the signs of a roof in need of repair is important in order to avoid more extensive damage.

Common signs that a roof needs repair include missing or damaged shingles, leaks, and daylight visible through the attic.

Depending on the extent of the damage, repairs can be made by a qualified roofer or may require replacement of the entire roof.

Regular maintenance and inspection by a professional roofer can help extend the life of your roof and prevent the need for costly repairs down the road.


Factors in Calculating Roof Repair Cost

There are a few factors that should be considered when you’re preparing for a roof repair, and they all affect cost.

Roofing Repair Permits

When it comes to calculating your roof repair costs, you have to include the potential price of work permits. Knowledgeable and licensed roofing contractors will typically know if you need to pay based on the location of your home. The cost could be a flat rate or dependent on the size and value of your property.

Roof Type

Your roofing type or material will also impact the price of repairs. For example, some kinds of roofs, like an especially steep option or one that’s more custom, will need additional labor, safety precautions and material. Those additional measures will affect time, and a longer repair time will typically cost more money.

Amount of Roof Repair

You also can’t forget how much of the roof needs repair. The bigger the scope and square footage of damaged roofing, the more you can expect to pay. In some situations of extreme roof damage, a replacement may be the best option.


Types of Roof Repairs


If you're a Lansing Kansas homeowner, then you know how important it is to keep your roof in good repair. If you have a hole in your roof, then you may be wondering how much it will cost to have it fixed?

Thankfully, according to Herntro Roofing, your roof repairs don't have to be expensive.

Here at Herntro Roofing, we are experts at patching holes in roofs. We'll work with you to determine the best course of action for your particular situation and make sure that your roof is repaired correctly and affordably.

Contact us today for all of your roof repair needs! (913) 721-7676

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